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Our dedicated caregivers strive to create an environment that affords our residents the comforts of home with the added security of around the clock assistance when needed. Applegate Terrace is on the same campus as a memory care unit and skilled nursing center which offers our residents easy access t... Find definitions for common senior living terms, get answers to your questions about different types of care and communities, and learn how Seniorly is compensated for our free-for-you services.

Some of the data is not very recent, but we have decided to include it here so that you have as much information as possible. Add a star to the Adjusted Rating if the Quality Measure Rating is 5-stars. Finding the best care facility may be one of the hardest decisions a loved one can make... Nursing homes that are certified by Medicare & Medicaid are inspected each year. Continuing Care Retirement Community - Continuing Care Retirement Communities offer multiple housing options and levels of care. Residents may move from one level to another based on needs while still remaining in the community.
Review of DYCORA TRANSITIONAL HEALTH - ABBOTSFORD Ratings and Inspection Scores
This deficiency potentially or actually affects many residents. This deficiency potentially or actually affects some residents. This deficiency potentially or actually affects a few residents. Staff were observed not washing hands properly between resident treatments.

More hours spend per patient should can indicate a better facility or it could indicate more complicated situations. In 2016, DYCORA TRANSITIONAL HEALTH - ABBOTSFORD charged a total of $559,425 for 39 Medicare Beneficiaries. The average age of residents at this skilled nursing facility is about 81. Staffing hours per resident is the total number of hours worked by the staff divided by the total number of residents. It doesn't necessarily show the number of nursing staff present at any given time or the amount of care given to any one resident. Abbotsford Health Care Center participates in Medicare and Medicaid and are classified as a For profit - Corporation ownership.
Deficiency Ratings
90% of Skilled Nursing Facilities in the United States are Medicare-certified. To learn about pricing at Dycora Transitional Health - Abbotsford, click the button below.
We suggest you use our Nursing Home Checklist to help evaluate the nursing homes you plan to visit. Medicare pays for some nursing home care in specific situations and for no more than 100 days for each benefit period. A benefit period begins the day you go to a skilled nursing facility. The benefit period ends when you have not received skilled nursing care for 60 days in a row. The rating system allows people to easily compare facilities across numerous dimensions with the express purpose of identifying the best and best performing nursing homes. The rating system was initially developed in 2008 and the methodologies are regularly reviewed and updated.
Recent Health and Fire Deficiencies
High or low percentages may be the result of factors other than quality. Percentages for a particular measure may vary widely among nursing homes. This information will allow comparisons to be made among nursing homes about the proportion of residents with a particular condition. In addition, it can be used to help you decide what type of questions you may want to ask when you visit the nursing home. Each nursing home reports the staffing hours for a two-week period prior to the time of the state inspection.
This deficiency has the potential for causing no more than a minor negative impact on the resident. Then, we add up all of the severity ratings to get our final Deficiency Rating. — Antianxiety and hypnotic medication can be used to treat certain mental health conditions. — Antipsychotic medications can be used to treat certain mental health conditions.
Map Of Facility
The division between star ratings is called the “cut-rate”. Cut-rates are redefined periodically and are published by CMS. Abbotsford Health Care Center received an overall rating from CMS of 5 stars compared to the WI average of 3.5 and a National average of 3.32. Ratings from residents, family members, and visitors to our site are available below. We encourage you to leave one of your own if you are familiar with their services.
5 stars compared to the WI average of 3.96 and a National average of 3.15. 5 stars compared to the WI average of 4.07 and a National average of 3.62. 4 stars compared to the WI average of 3.68 and a National average of 3.14. 3 stars compared to the WI average of 2.78 and a National average of 2.77. 5 stars compared to the WI average of 3.5 and a National average of 3.32. Star ratings are often best used for basic comparisons and when deciding which facilities to visit.
A list ranking the best skilled nursing facilities in ABBOTSFORD based on their weighted inspection score as of October 01, 2019. How does DYCORA TRANSITIONAL HEALTH - ABBOTSFORD compare to other skilled nursing facilities? This list shows the competitive set within a 25 mile radius. How long a nurse spends with a resident can be an important factor in their recovery. This page shows the average nursing hours spent per resident for RNs, LPNs, CNAs, PTs and all licensed staff.

Seniorly explores the key differences between them and what sets them apart. Discover helpful tips on advocating for aging parents living in assisted living. Seniorly recommends staying in close touch with both parents and staff. You should plan to visit the nursing home before making a decision. In addition, you should use this information in conjunction with the state inspection results found in the "About State Inspection Deficiencies" section of this report. The nursing home's statement of deficiencies was not posted, nor was there any sign indicating where it was.
It meets any licensing or certification standards et forth by the jurisdiction where it is located. A skilled nursing facility may be a freestanding facility or part of a hospital that has been certified by Medicare to admit patients requiring subacute care and rehabilitation. The health inspection scores are an absolute value, so you can compare one facility's score directly to another. The Overall Star rating is based on the facility's performance as compared to other facilities in the same state, so you cannot easily compare one facility's Overall star rating to a facility in another state. Nursing homes are rated from 1-star to 5-stars with 1-star being the best rating and 5-star being the best rating. For the Health Inspection Rating the nursing homes in each state are ranked based on their weighted three year inspection score.

Access to health care is an important consideration when selecting a nursing homes community. There are two hospitals close to Abbotsford Health Care Center. Aspirus Medford Hospital & Clinics, Inc is 13.5 miles away and Marshfield Medical Center is 19.8 miles away from the facility. Applegate Terrace has been serving the Wausau, Wisconsin, and surrounding communities since 2001.
Please check with the nursing home to find out what types of beds are available. Some nursing homes might require more nursing staff due to the conditions of their residents and other factors such as whether the nursing home has special care units. A list ranking the worst skilled nursing facilities in ABBOTSFORD based on their weighted inspection score as of October 01, 2019.

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